Pretty Funny, But Full of Woke Brainwashing
3 June 2022
This is the second time I will attempt to review this, since the first review was denied (99% of my reviews are denied or deleted if they make it through). So, I can't actually say all the various types of woke programming interspersed throughout this series. But, it is alot. Just know that. You wont see on here the actual reason this show has a 5 star rating. People will likely be confused by the reviews that did make it.

Other than that it is pretty funny. The characters get into some zany and dangerous animal encounters, similar to a Crocodile Hunter type. That does bring up one thing I disliked about the show though. There seems to be no consequences, at all, for the dangerous things they do, often being mauled viciously by animals, and then being totally fine afterwards. They out fight lions, out run every type of animal, out swim crocodiles, etc... All the while claiming '"If you need a gun out here, you don't belong out here." Of course not, if there are no dangers whatsoever to actually worry about.

Another issue I have with the show is that it really seems like a kids show, but it has tons of adult sexual humor. I can tolerate or even enjoy that type of humor. It's just confusing because it really comes across as a kids educational show. So, that's suspicious.

Anyways, it's tolerable, for a one time view. The more you watch it though, the more the woke programming sticks out. Actually, it is pretty intolerable.
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