okay let's try this again shall we?
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series is a weird one, and I'll get into it in short order but let's get the formalities out of the way, yes I'll spoil it yes I didn't like it, yes it annoyed me.

So Yes, I'm Going To Spoil The Plot Of This Series While Also Warning People That It Is Being Spoiled Beforehand. It. Does. Not. Contain. Profanity. Or. Insults. Based. On. Appearance. It Does. Not. Include. Phone. Numbers. Or. Anything. Shown. In. The "Help" Section. So This Review Should Be Submitted, Accepted and permitted, alright IMdB?


Let's begin with the SPOILERS for the series shall we?

Okay let's start The Demon King returns and is turned into a fully grown man in a month, he attends the Demon King Academy that is set up to try and find or train or something the Demon King while others who clearly aren't him are allowed there at the same time while there's a fight between Royals and Regular people and those known as misfits and half-breeds and fakes that are all there as well while a fake demon king exists in the background manipulating things for century upon century but thats not actually true its a young man who was abandoned by his family and taken in by a spirit sword in the form of a woman who loved him but the young man is actually a 2000 year old hero who was betrayed by his allies and is trying to destroy himself along with humans but not really because he only wants to stop the fighting by creating more fighting but its actually all some general from 2000 years ago who is manipulating everything to make the world his and to remove all demons by using cloned humans as bombs and the magical woman who is his instrument can't stop him but she can act on her own when needed and all the while there's these twin girls who aren't actually twin girls but are one being that are with the demon king who are helping him but aren't really while a backing group of what I can only call a Japanese Idol group sings about the demon king and gives him power to defeat any enemy needed.

That's the plot, that's the summation of this horrendous story and mistake to watch, it doesn't contain profanity, it doesn't NOT warn people and it will as of this sentence, have the spoiler tag clicked so I've covered all my bases IMdB, I know that you might not like the truth of this story being so insanely off the wall but its off the wall and not good.

See what I mean, that's the plot of this series and it makes ZERO sense, the story is all over the place, the pacing is broken and jagged in every place, from characters supposedly being a friend to being an enemy who promised to be a friend who took over and manipulated to control everyone in the demon realm (and I'm going on again with this crazy story that makes no sense).

None of this makes sense.

Its visually spectacular in places, certain magical scenes are stunning (creation of castles) and it's got wonderfully detailed colours

but that isn't what makes a series good, a series is primarily good based on the story it tells, there are far less detailed artistic sights in the world that tell better stories and keep the viewer hooked, this...it's a bishouen series and has all the plot of a piece of popcorn (full of air) and the unfortunate thing is that it doesn't actually do anything worthwhile. There are other series out there that do the same basic story of having an overpowered protagonist who do other things better, either adding drama to the story, adding a compelling story to go through or to have it be a raucous comedy that makes no sense.

This does none of that, the main character is flat and lifeless, doesn't show emotion and is a stand in for a very eager audience to imprint their Favourite character trait on, he isn't funny, goofy, deep, dramatic, complex or tortured, he's just basically God and nothing can stop him, combine that with asspulls of character changing dynamic and useless realisations that turn out to be not permanent, this series is not good, not at all, I made a mistake in watching this series because it doesn't answer anything.

Is there a source for the hatred as is implied? Who knows?! Who really cares in the end, this isn't a story for the plot and its not really a story for the fan service either as there's little-to-none in it.

I regret watching this and you should stay away from it if you are interested.
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