One Step Beyond: Emergency Only (1959)
Season 1, Episode 3
Hammy isn't the word
11 June 2022
This was only the third episode in the long-running series 'One Step Beyond', so perhaps our host John Newland hadn't yet got into his stride. For once at least, we're excused his usual cod-psychic explanations of paranormal events. He just falls back on "You may believe it, or not. But the real people who lived this story - they believe it. They know. They took that... One Step Beyond."

A woman believed to be clairvoyant is not in the mood to do her party-trick at this small fashionable soiree in New York, until a self-declared sceptic taunts her into trying her special powers on him.

Soon she's deep in her trance, and considering that the actress trained with her brother Marlon Brando, her act is pretty unconvincing. But the message coming through is that he needs to beware of taking a particular sleeper-cabin on a particular train, where he will meet a dark-haired lady wearing a ring in the shape of a coiled serpent. He is able to laugh this off, because he is due to travel by plane, but when the weather turns bad, he is forced to take the train after all.

We can't reveal the chain of events that leads to the dramatic climax. But in any case, our attention is fixated on the sheer improbability of a woman half as glamorous as Paula Raymond accepting a drink in the dining-car from a total stranger acting as weirdly as Lin McCarthy, often staring in silent horror, as he recognises parts of the mystic forecast actually happening.
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