Review of Part V

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, yes - in this timeline he IS but if anything THIS episode establishes is that in future SW exploitation films, and if the geniuses at Star Wars Writing Academy want, they could bring him bacta life. (tank you for getting the joke)

Seriously - Lightsabers through the gut are clearly not fatal (you can even get chopped in half and survive.) They may knock the wind out of you but you'll be fine. And if you happen to conveniently fall into a foggy abyss (like Solo did) you could easily be secretly rescued. (like the Emperor)

What's that you say, he's DEAD JIM? I mean, there's that whole scene with him and Kylo in the 'final' episode, but that was just Kylo having an psychotic break and seeing stuff. The force can really mess with your head.

So why is Qui-Gon gone then?

Maybe he isn't?

Anyway - regarding this episode - it's probably the worst one so far - there are MANY other reviews that I agree with here, read them. Don't make me force you.
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