One Step Beyond: Encounter (1960)
Season 2, Episode 29
Mixed messaging from the stratosphere
7 July 2022
Far out in the wilds, the manager of a mining company listens to the desperate last words of his pilot, apparently talking about an alien kidnap before disappearing from the air. The manager is sceptical of any supernatural talk, and assumes the pilot must be dead, sending only one plane to search for the wreckage, while he presses on with the urgent road-building project that is front-of-mind with him. The pilot's wife/widow accuses him of not doing his utmost, possibly because she had been the manager's girlfriend before rejecting him in favour of the pilot. (This makes for a strong sub-plot, which should have been developed further.)

Events now get rather confused, when a wreck is found, covered in a mysterious lacy ribbon they call 'angel hair' which disappears when touched: cue the familiar spooky music easily recognisable from other episodes to signal that something strange is happening. At the same time, the pilot is heard sending a message from 1000 miles away... and there we have to leave it, partly because I didn't really understand the ending anyway!

Strong performances by the English actor Robert Douglas as the manager and Michael Forest as his deputy. Another team-member seems rather too willing to believe in UFO's, apparently bolted on to Astral Projection as the theme of today's episode, rationalised with charm, rather than conviction, by our long-serving host John Newland.
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