14 July 2022
"Undercover Blue" was one of those 'Law and Order' episodes on first watch that had a number of good things but did feel on the ordinary side and didn't stick in the mind long after. There are episodes of the show and the 'Law and Order' franchise in general that felt like this, but there are many on both counts where that type of episode on first watch fared better on rewatch and were better than remembered seeing it through older eyes.

On the most part, "Undercover Blue" is one of those episodes. It is not a great or perfect episode and is not as good as "Lessons Learned" or "Monster's Legacy", but it is leagues better than the very underwhelming previous episode "Funny Valentine" and has a lot of good things. The premise is not a new one and some of the execution does reflect that, but lack of innovation is not always immediately a bad thing depending on how everything else is executed and enough of "Undercover Blue" is an example of that.

Surprises and suspense are not enough, with a lot of familiar ground covered and the ending primarily can be seen from a mile away.

Really don't care for Amaro here and really don't know what happened to him in Season 14, really liked him in Season 13 and he settled a lot quicker than Rollins. But while she progressed by quite some bit in Season 14 Amaro has regressed, and his hot headed-ness and holier than thou attitude here is pretty hard to take.

A lot however is great here in "Undercover Blue". Mariska Hargitay, Dean Winters and Danny Pino both give great performances, despite disliking Amaro's character writing here Pino's acting is without problem. Also love the chemistry between Olivia and Cassidy, to begin with it was one of the season's better written relationships but sadly did get over-milked and tired. Amaro being taken down a peg was satisfying and much needed. The support acting is very good.

Furthermore, the production values are solid and the intimacy of the photography doesn't get static or too filmed play-like. The music when used is not too over-emphatic and has a melancholic edge that is quite haunting. The direction is sympathetic enough while also taut. The story does grip despite the predictability. It was great to see Munch again and he is amusing here.

In conclusion, quite good but not great. 7/10.
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