as good as it gets
16 July 2022
Bomba the Jungle Boy encounters Paul Gordon's safari party with captive animals. Bomba manages to free some of the animals from their cages. Paul still does not believe in the local legend of Bomba. Paul's son David disagrees with his father's work and his disbelief in Bomba. David plays in the jungle and actually meets Bomba. Two hunters arrive searching for a hidden treasure under the volcano. They kidnap David who claims to have learned the location from Bomba. Bomba comes to the rescue.

I really like the messaging. They're fighting against the captive animal trade which is a bit ahead of its time. I like the use of the volcano stock footage. I would rather not use the fake volcano which looks fake. This B-movie franchise is always going to be hampered with fake settings and silly white boy premise. That cannot be helped. This one is probably as good as this franchise is going to be.
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