A Poor Man's Nightmare on Elm Street
19 July 2022
Struggling to cope with the events that occurred in the previous film which left her older sister "Valerie Bates" (Cynthia Eilbacher) confined to a mental hospital, a high-school senior named "Courtney Bates" (Crystal Bernard) begins having nightmares which involve a serial killer wielding a large drill in the shape of an electric guitar. Hoping that these nightmares will eventually go away on their own, she decides to join three other female friends on a trip to a condominium where they can rehearse some of their music for their recently formed rock band. Also coming to the condo are three high-school boys which includes Courtney's new boyfriend "Matt" (Patrick Lowe). Things take a turn for the worse, however, when Courtney begins experiencing even more violent nightmares--and that's when the new "Driller Killer" (Atanis Ilitch) decides to make his presence known. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film had potential as it resembled, in some respects, the blockbuster slasher films of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" franchise. The budget, unfortunately, wasn't quite up to the same level and as a result it didn't attain the same general standard as most of those films in that series. It also didn't have nearly the same level of suspense either. In any case, while this may not have been a terrible film necessarily, it didn't quite measure up to its potential and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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