Review of The Departed

The Vampire Diaries: The Departed (2012)
Season 3, Episode 22
Season 3 is officially one of the worst seasons...
21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What have they done to the show? It used to be so entertaining and well thought out. But they kept going on and on with a messy and contradictory writing. In this season finale, we learn Alaric will die when Elena does. Which is a good thing, because she just did. So why is he still on the show afterwards? Esther was the only one capable of breaking the binding spell. So him returning next season, makes no sense. Also, we get to witness Elena making a choice between the two brothers. And she chooses Stefan, giving Damon the same exact platitude as Matt, a couple of years ago. So why does she picks him, next season? Because they actually met first? I don't get it, it's completely illogical. And shows writers, decided to go the vocal fandom's way afterwards, instead. Which begs the question, who wrote the show? Them or the fans?... At one point I thought I was watching a cheesy slasher, when Rebekah entered the warehouse, searching for Damon. And now they pull the dirtiest trick with Klaus not being dead, and possessing Tyler, with Bonnie's help?! How ridiculous is that? Wasn't she supposed to stop being a doormat? I think they should've had Elijah take Klaus's body, honor his part of the deal. And maybe have the Original family come back in a two hours special, next season. Before launching their own spin-off series, with Klaus's triumphant return. That way, no more Hybrids nonsense, and Tyler's drama. Which was what dragged most of 4A down. Not to mention Elena's brave face... Why didn't Stefan rescue both at the same time? Are his powers getting rusty underwater? It makes for a tragic and heart wrenching scene. With that tear jerker song. But it's a lazy cop out. Even though the season ends on a depressing note, it's only a tempest in a tea pot. Because vampire Elena takes over, and most of what happens will be erased later. By bad fan service.
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