Peaky Blinders: The Shock (2019)
Season 5, Episode 5
Reviewers Thinking Oswald Murray is Trump...
27 July 2022
I get it... a lot of Hollywood writers were obsessed with Trump - and parody's popped up a lot (SNL, Homelander on The Boys, multiple antagonists...). So when a new character pushing fascism shows up on a series, I can see why some made the leap.

But with Peaky Blinders - when there's a new character of any prominence - (especially a politician), I pause the show and do a quick internet search. The writers weave a lot of real people in with the fiction - which I find really fun.

It turns out Oswald Murray was a real British politician that started the British Union of Fascists (BUF) in 1932. (Before WW2 quite a few politicians worldwide were giving fascism a chance.)

His name might have been well known in Britain, but I'd never heard of the guy. Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill - of course I'd heard of... but a 1930's British politician and the father of Britain's fascist movement? Not so much...

Might the writer or the actor playing Murray borrow some Trump traits? Who knows, maybe - but after reading up on Oswald Murray, I think the writer - and the actor playing him (Sam Claflin) - did a great job capturing Murray in both physical looks and the intensity Murray must have had as he pushed for fascism and his fascist party.

Good episode and great setup for the season (series) 5 finale.
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