Motive: The Vanishing Policeman (2016)
Season 4, Episode 1
Back For Season Four
3 August 2022
No spoilers.

This was a great show, and should have had AT LEAST 2-3 more seasons.

Season 4 opens strong, with Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) pulling off one of the most nuanced roles he's ever tackled. Great writing - logical reasons for the motive, and why the suspect has the ability to pull it off.

Soooooo, why the sudden low ratings? I feel like Detective Flynn changing her hairstyle might have hurt the ratings. Stupid? Yes... but everything about the show stated the same - it was the only change and the ratings dropped. Maybe Det. Kennicki? Perhaps... but Angie kept him in place and he was annoying, but not hateful.

Losing interest in a show because of a hairstyle? I don't want to think people are that shallow... but I think people are that shallow.

That - or maybe the continued changing channels and time for the show. Hopefully it was more that than the hair.

Either way - great job by all of this great cast - great writing (as usual), and excellent work by the visiting killer, Jon Heder. Excellent episode.
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