These were supposed to be deadly?...
16 August 2022
When I sat down to watch the 1977 movie "Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo" for the very first time ever here in 2022, I must admit that I wasn't really expecting a whole lot from writers John Groves and Guerdon Trueblood. Why? Well, a movie from 1977 and about killer tarantulas just didn't sound like the best formula.

But true to my way of giving a movie a fair chance, of course I opted to sit down and watch director Stuart Hagmann's 1977 movie "Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo".

And while this movie might have been scary or thrilling back in 1977, the movie just didn't stand much of a chance now 45 years later. Sure, the movie was watchable, but it was nowhere near being scary or thrilling. In fact, the movie was just permeating with low key. And you never felt that anyone in the story were ever in danger from the tarantulas peacefully scurrying about.

The storyline was pretty straight forward, but it was lacking majorly in the scare department. I didn't feel any thrills as the 95 minutes of runtime milled by at a rather monotonous pace. And it didn't help to further the narrative that so very little actually happened throughout the course of the movie.

The movie did, however, have a good cast ensemble, with the likes of Tom Atkins and Pat Hingle, to help carry it and keep it afloat.

All in all, then I hadn't been missing out on a horror gem here. And I can honestly say that this is not a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time. And even if you are scared of spiders, then chances are slim to none that a movie like "Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo" will have you scared.

My rating of "Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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