Last 15 minutes of The Road Warrior stretched to 2 hours
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have this movie 2 stars only because of the incredible set design, and some of those cars are just insane. George Miller got his wet dream I suppose to make this movie, I am sure the budget was 50x more than he got in his previous Max movies. Well George, sometimes less is more. Sometimes it's better to have some constraints, just look at Quentin Tarantino. As soon as he got lots of money his movies became over long, self indulgent messes. George seemed to have listened to all the praise about how good the ending chase scene was in The Road Warrior so he made a movie of just that. Well that's like a meal of just cake. It may feel good going down, but it doesn't sit well. What made the last 15 minutes of TRW so good is the previous hour and a half of plot and character build up, without that it does not have same effect, no matter how many explosions and insane stunts you throw at the screen, it just numbs the brain. Miller stated that 90% of the movie was practical stunts but I find this hard to believe. I saw a LOT of CGI.

This movie has no charm, no feeling of engagement, and very little sense of realism. People fly through the air crash on the ground with barely a scratch. Max has his leg brace but runs around like a football player. Some pale faced kid needs a "blood bag" for blood transfusions and then suddenly he doesn't? And old lady shoves a shell casing in someones eye? A guy is wearing a mask rips his face off when yanked off? Whatever happened to the idea that things like gasoline and bullets are rare in post apocalypse? Where are these things being manufactured? Oh well I guess you are supposed to ask these questions, just enjoy the explosions and the women being...uhm...milked.

Charlize Theron is good but based on interviews she had no idea what she was doing and to me it shows, she cries when she is told to but her character is poorly developed. We get her back story and then 5 minutes later she has this big breakdown, which has no weight to it. The movie would have been better with fewer characters, cut out the nux kid and the old ladies and just focus on Furiosa and Max. And while we are at it, this movie is called Mad Max, not Mad Charlize, why does he seem like a side character? And why show his beloved last of the V8 interceptors and crash it 1 minute later? And his character just didn't feel like Max, Max was the coolest of the cool with a tinge of a maniac, this guy is all frantic and comes across as just another action hero. This movie had some potential to be epic, but it needed more balance, a better script and more realism. Movies have become rides.
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