A rather standard Warner musical...with Cuddles Sakall!
31 August 2022
"The Time, the Place and the Girl" is a pretty typical sort of Warners musical, though it's improved with the presence of one of Hollywood's most beloved character actors, S. Z. 'Cuddles' Sakall. Without him, the film probably isn't worth your time.

The film begins with a nasty stuffed shirt announcing to the nightclub located next door that they must stop immediately. Well, they can't, as they are a nightclub...and so the guy somehow has the club shut down. Does this make any sense? Nope. Well, it soon turns out that the guy is the manager for Vickie and she's being readied for a career as an opera star. And, the manager and Vickie's grandmother are bullies who make her do what they demand. Additionally, Vickie's adorable grandfather (Sakall) is bullied by them as well. Now considering Vickie is super-talented and her Grandfather is paying the bills, the fact that the manager and grandmother bully them makes little sense.

When Grandma and the manager are away, Grandpa and Vickie visit the nightclub...and they have a marvelous time. Soon Vickie is in love with the owner (Dennis Moore) and she loves enjoying a bit of freedom. But when the bullies return, they discover that the pair were out having fun (oh, lord no!!!) and they manage to completely close the nightclub. How? I have no idea.

Later, the owner and his buddy (Jack Carson) have a brainstorm...to make a Broadway show with their music, Vickie's talent and Grandpa's money. Of course, this doesn't go exactly as planned...but by the end, it naturally all seems to work.

The film has a lot of musical stage numbers. I personally felt they were a problem as they often completely derailed the plot....but this IS a musical after all. However, I must warn you that the first big musical number is awful...complete with all the singers in black-face! The other numbers aren't so much offensive as glossy and dull.

As for the story, I enjoyed the characters and felt it needed more story and less fancy song and dance numbers....but again, it IS a musical. Overall, a decent enough film but one that seemed too glossy, too musical and features a few one-dimensional characters (such as the manager and Grandma) and as a result, lacks heart...making it more a time-passer instead of a must-see film.
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