Review of Blake

Blake's 7: Blake (1981)
Season 4, Episode 13
The explosive final answers a lot of questions.
7 September 2022
Avon takes The Scorpio to the inhospitable planet of Gauda Prime, his mission to search for their former, engimatic figurehead.

I shall do my best to write a spoiler free review for this, as I see that every one contains spoilers, it's hard not to give much away, but here goes..

This episode has an average score of 8.7, it is clearly loved by fans, for me it's excellent, but I think there are better episodes.

The story itself is pretty good, the success here lies in the revelations, and the shocks, no other show to my knowledge did what they did at the end of this one, it makes it very unique in TV history. I love that we get Closure, even need on Jenna.

It is a wonderful production, it looks awesome, I get the impression that a few episodes suffered budget cuts for this one, it feels an epic, it certainly looks like one.

My one criticism here, Servalan popped up in the most random episodes, sometimes unnecessarily, she should have been here for this, to not feature Pearce in the finale, unforgivable.

It's a real shame it ended here, maybe it was time, but at least it signed off in style.

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