Dont TELL...SHOW!! They forgot. Nonetheless, comendable effort Ayan and the Cast
9 September 2022
I got up at 6 AM in like 8 months just for this movie, as I wanted to catch the 8:30 AM show with an un-influenced mind.

Brahmastra Part One: Shiva is surely a graphics laden spectacle. Worth watching. We need more of such fantasy(mythology inspired) movies. We have 1000s of stories in Indian culture. This movie surely takes you on an adventure. We need to show support to such movies so that more directors come up with innovative stories.

At the end: the first act is best (development of love) which ends with bang and makes u want more before interval hits. But, then second act is slow and sloppy marred with narrations. And the last act is VFX gallore with loopholes and odd choices.

Coming to the story.

The story is basically a love story as you guys would have already known from the director's explainer video on youtube. So called: Love is the bridge between you and universe, or something on that sort. But, using a love story as the vehicle for the whole movie may not apppeal to the masses who are spoiled with Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

The VFX is top notch!! Great work by Prime Focus. However, at times you would feel its too much. And, I dont get the reason behind very vibrant color choices at moments.

There are two main cameos in this movie. Only of it is integral to the whole story. Other one is dispensable.

There are various loop holes. And, the movie is filled with lots and lots of verbal diarrhoea. I mean at this point everyone knows that you need to show the stoy where characters discover things through challenges and journey. But, here you would find "few" BIG conveniences which takes you off the story. There are narrations and narrations. There are no solid character developments with well defined charcater archs. If our main charcater is caught in a quagmire theres always an easy way out through narration.

Dialogues are sloppy.

But hey we need to tell them that to do better for the next part. So, guys go out and support this movie, share your criticism. Surely there is a potential for a better movie next time. Kudos to director's vision, main lead actors and the VFX team.

Go with a clean skate without comparison with hollywoods comic book movies. U will like it.
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