Breaking Bad: Dead Freight (2012)
Season 5, Episode 5
12 September 2022
Still remember being blown away learning Tim Roth was British after Reservoir Dogs... and Laura Frasier being Scottish, which is a heavier accent than British, is really insane since she's got the American accent so perfect it doesn't seem like an accent, all the while playing the most neurotic character that this show's ever seen, and it's seen plenty...

Throughout Season 5 and peaking here, her and Mike have great hate-chemistry, and this is the famous Train Robbery Episode that... had they not pulled off the rudimentary scene that begins with her possible murder and morphs into the entire plan explained in a roundtable fashion... could have been infamous because with any heist, the setup is as important as the execution...

Also during that heist... which is almost a tad longer than the needed suspense allows but pretty dang perfect including a last minute nail-biting problem... we're introduced to the MOST EVIL character and...

Well by the end of this one, everyone knows who that is and, anyhow, this is a personal favorite, and is like a movie all on its own while still driving the entire mainline forward: at a brisk, steady pace.
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