Barely decent in the first half, but a complete disaster in the second half
12 September 2022
This is a corny and terrible drama that tried way too hard to slate the female lead as a revolutionary but victimized Mary Sue who is the perfect "heroine" in that era. The characterization of the female character is often times cringy, where an immature and selfish girl was lauded as "special", and everything that came out of her orifice was worshipped like gold. It was completely nonsensical as the chapters (in the novel) and episodes (in the drama) droned on. The male lead was written as the perfect, fantasy guy with almost no flaws whatsoever - even his most serious flaw was deliberately made endearing. The craft of the characterisations of these two mains are forced and I can't believe I actually wasted about 40 hours of my life (for 56 episodes) to watch this. This is just as bad as Twilight with Bella Swan and her fantasy guy Edward. And it blows my mind that so many people gush about this drama like it's the best thing in their lives as if they have never watched anything else before. The audience reactions really take me back to the days of Twilight when it took the world by storm.
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