A dumpster fire of a movie...
15 September 2022
Needless to say that I sat down here in 2022 to watch the 2017 action thriller "Ultimate Justice" on the account of it having Mark Dacascos in the leading role.

Had I ever heard about this movie from writers Marco Theiss and Mike Leeder? No, not even a single thing. But I figured that an action thriller with Mark Dacascos couldn't possibly be all that bad.

Boy was I wrong.

Writers Marco Theiss and Mike Leeder couldn't even concoct a storyline that made any logical sense. There was no apparent red thread throughout the course of the movie. And that made for a chaotic and disjointed movie experience. And I have to say that I gave up on "Ultimate Justice" one hour into the ordeal. The storyline was just utter rubbish.

Sure, there were a couple of nicely enough choreographed and executed action and fight scenes throughout the ordeal, but it was nowhere enough to lift up the rubbish that passed for a storyline here.

The acting performances in "Ultimate Justice" were stilted, wooden and rigid. And not even Mark Dacascos himself seemed to buy into director Martin Christopher Bode's 2017 action thriller. And to make matters worse, then the majority of the cast ensemble were German performers, not that there is anything wrong with that, but they were apparently dubbed into English dialogue. And poorly dubbed as well, I might add.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Ultimate Justice", even if you are a fan of Mark Dacascos. Some of us suffered through this ordeal in smaller or greater extend so you don't have to.

My rating of "Ultimate Justice" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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