Rick and Morty: Rick: A Mort Well Lived (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
A good sign...
16 September 2022
Season 3 had a great episode selection, but was less than the sum of its parts. Season 4 was season 3 but every episode was around the same quality, and they seemed to have doubled down on Rick's invincibility. Season 5 was a 50/50 split of great episodes and ok ones. It also (for the most part) lacked too much emotion or stakes.

BUT, from these 2 episodes alone, both have put Rick in a position where he could lose something he cares about or his life, and shown him in a more emotional state, all with a nice, yet a little thin, layer of subtlety. What I'm getting at is that the show has listened to criticism and has used the best plot points and traits from season 4 and 5, mixed them with the storytelling and some concepts (the plot of this episode is very reminiscent of the car battery episode) of season 1 and 2, and sprinkled in some good humour that the show has kept.

This review may age poorly, or, and I really hope I'm right about this, the show may use the enormous order from Netflix as a blessing, to help it peak later on and find itself in this season. If you want a piece of criticism for this season so far, it is leaning a little too far into meta humour. The show has always been very meta, but this is a bit too much.

So yeah, I hope the show continues to rise in storytelling and development, and eventually season 6 just may just be the season that R&M is reborn.

Or the rest of the season is terrible, who knows.
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