Review of Theef

The X-Files: Theef (2000)
Season 7, Episode 14
An out and out creep fest, classic episode.
22 September 2022
After an idyllic night at an Awards ceremony, a prominent Doctor's world is turned upside down, when he finds his father in law hanged, and a bizarre message sprawled on the wall.

I thought this was a pretty awesome episode, I loved it, I'm quite surprised by the relatively average score it has, for me, it's much better than that, particularly after the previous, dismal episode.

An out and out chiller, this one really does provide the fear factor, as the snakes did a few episodes back, the voodoo does the same here, a more Earthly adversary for Mulder and Scully, but equally as terrifying. I'm loving the variety we're being treated to on this seventh series.

Billy Drago was phenomenal here as Orel Peattie I thought, a spine chilling performance, he's creepy, he's sinister, but best of all, he's believable, I totally bought into that guy's mission.

The makeup, throughout this episode was astonishing, sheer talent went into the visuals of this one, I'm in awe of what they accomplished here.

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