The Purge (I) (2013)
Great concept, poor execution
23 September 2022
Things most of Hollywood - and this film - doesn't like:

America Religion US Constitution Founding Fathers The Suburbs

You know, the standard Hollywood dislikes - nothing new.

Things THIS film (like many low budget movies) doesn't like:

Complex characters The outdoors Due process White people

Things this film likes:

Edged weapons Homeless people Random acts of violence PC character motivations

The Purge is such a part of our lexicon I figured I should give it a watch when I saw it was on HBO. The concept is a very good one, the execution was a little disappointing. Like most movies that follow Hollywood's rules of political correct wokeness, it becomes easy to predict who will be good or bad... which kills a lot of the suspense.

It gets a 5 and not a 1 because it held my attention in spite of being stuck in one location (due to budget reasons). The acting and directing were also solid - especially for a low budget movie.

If they'd changed up even some of the standard PC tropes for some surprises, it would have been much better.

(If you want a violent movie with a similar feel to this movie, but will keep you guessing, check out The Hunt.)
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