Storming Juno (2010 TV Movie)
More documentary than drama but quite gripping nonetheless
26 September 2022
On D-Day, 6 June 1944, Canadian forces were assigned to take Juno Beach. Told through the eyes of three soldiers - an airborne Corporal, an infantry Lieutenant and a tank Sergeant - we see what it took to storm and take Juno Beach and what it meant to the men who participated.

I was initially a bit disappointed when I started watching this. I was expecting a full-on drama, Saving Private Ryan-style, but instead got a docu-drama. The narration is provided by the three main characters we are following and initially it all felt a but clumsy.

However, once you get accustomed to the style it's actually very interesting and gripping. While the narration is a bit hokey, the action scenes are great. They show well the bravery involved and the how the actions of every soldier contribute to the greater victory.

The film is rounded off by a purely documentary chapter at the end where surviving participants of the battle for Juno Beach are interviewed. This gives a great feel for the personal sacrifices and endeavours involved.
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