Review of Blonde

Blonde (2022)
A Drag
29 September 2022
This movie seemed to want the controversy and boasted its NC-17 rating. Yet there's truly nothing that pushes it past a light R. There a far far worse adult content in other R rated films. Upper female nudity, implied violence and implied SA are Blondes'. Almost everything in this movie is implied. Even it's story. What little there is.

It's simply an exploitative, arthouse film that uses Marilyn's name as a jumping off point. A complete drag with scenes that go on and on and a story that can't seem to find an anchor. The criticisms that this movie defines Marilyn by her abuse are actually spot on. It's so narrowly focused on Marilyns abuses that it forgets to show or talk about anything else. I went into this movie, not knowing much about her other than she was an actress from early 1900s who died. I came out of this movie, knowing pretty much the exact same information.

So it's not a biopic that delivers Marilyn's story. There's nothing that would otherwise interest a non-Marilyn fan. And as an art film theres nothing original, innovate, or interesting that it cares to show or say.

The actors, especially Ana, gave their all and should be comended. But the movie is flat. You can stir up controversy and tout a rating that you probably bought, but people will eventually watch the movie and realize its nothing more than a sleeping pill.
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