29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this was worth the wait! I'll give my thoughts on each individual episode, but first about the whole show. The humour and production value were definitely the highlights of the series. Every episode is worth watching, and the claymation was BEAUTIFUL. My one criticism is that the climaxes are always resolved pretty quickly; I wish the episode spent more time on them. The episodes are so close in quality, it's hard to rank them, but I'll try:

6) Friendship. This one is great, but only gets good in the second half. Don't get me wrong, the first half is good, but a little slow. I love the concept and teacher though. Also this is just one long acid trip.

5) Death. The funniest episode of the show. I love stain, the coffin scenes and the mourners. The best part of the episode is definitely the fact that they manage to beat and break the teacher, a nice change.

4) Family. This episode is just insanity. It definitely leans more into horror, but still manages to be funny. The twins are freaky and the style and atmosphere were on point.

3) Transport. This and the next two are pretty much tied, but I think there is a very slight difference. This episode is very fun and the teacher is hilarious, but it really doesn't have to much to return to specifically, it's just good throughout. I do love the climax/ending, from when the bird hits the window.

2) Jobs. Great opener! So much to love, but I've already reviewed it. Tight script, great flow.

1) Electricity. Again, this could go back and forth from 3rd and 2nd and 1st, but this episode feels very important. I personally love how Roy is just a character on the same level as them now, Lesley and whatever's above her are much more interesting and original. And the song's great!

In conclusion, it's a great show that I highly recommend. 9/10.
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