For all of you that weren't paying attention
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I've read many of the reviews for this film and have come to the conclusion that a lot of the viewers weren't paying attention to the film.

This is a film that wasn't taking itself seriously, so the viewer shouldn't either. If you were expecting high drama, then move on. If you were expecting a couple of hours of dumb fun watching over-the-top bloody gore and teens coming of age, then enjoy.

We do finally find out what set things in motion for the first movie, which was a good reveal for returning viewers. What we did not know till the end of the film was that Cole's love for Bee was the catalyst for her coming back to save him and Phoebe, who Bee saved by becoming a demon, long before the events of the first movie.

So, the timeline: Bee crashes her car and becomes a demon to save Phoebe. She then recruits her minions for the first movie and targets Cole to get all their dreams to come true because of their "deal with the devil". Cole wins the day and tells Bee that he loves her. This has an effect on Bee, and she sets out to make things right. Enter the second film. Bee sets up all the dominoes to so that Cole wins the day again and all the demons and teenagers (is there a difference between the two?) are sent to hell. Cole is saved and he gets the girl as the hero should.

Hopefully that clears things up for the people that didn't catch the order of the events of both movies.

Now, the acting was great by any standards. Cudos to the returning cast and to Jenna Ortega as the new girl. As someone said, the cast looked like they were having fun which made the film enjoyably for the viewers. The locations were excellent. The plot was absurd, but it worked, building from the first film, and making it a great sequel. The final twist could be seen coming from a galaxy far, far away, but it worked too.

I can't wait for the third installment. How can I say that there will be a third film? You might ask. Well maybe I'm reading into the ending of the film, but here are my thoughts.

1. Phoebe to Bee: You were my guardian angel.

2. Bee to Cole: You changed me on that night.

3. Bee to Cole: I have one more thing to take care of. This being letting Cole's father see that Cole was never lying about what happened in the first film. Essentially saving Cole a second time.

4. We never actually see Bee drink the blood from the goblet. She just put the rim up to her lips as far as the viewer can tell.

5. Given that Jimmy and Deigo were vaporized for just thinking about betraying the deal, how could Bee get away with ruining the entire plan?

6. And wasn't the timing perfect for Dad to show up and see Bee disappear in a puff of black smoke, which was oddly different from the way that the other demons died.

Will there be a third film? The outlook is good as far as I am concerned.

This film is a solid 8. Enjoy.
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