A Look Back
12 October 2022
I found this accidentally when searching for something to watch. I thought it was a terrific reminder of how Trump is destroying America, and the Republican Party. We see the Pre-Trump Republicans who were so very much opposed to Trump, but changed their tune as Trump preached his hate messages and received applause. They watched the violence explode, but were afraid to oppose him, so they suddenly caved in and became sheep following behind him. In Episode 1 we see Trump saying John McCain wasn't a war hero, and that Putin is a great leader because he holds on to power!

That's a reminder of what Trump really wants.... POWER! He says he loves Kim Jong-un, another man in power. He uses tactics like those used by Adolf Hitler, while trying to sell his propaganda of hate. Hitler, another man who held on to power. Trump goes as far as Hitler in asking people, not to pledge allegiance to our country, but to him as an individual! A good reminder of what Trump has done, and continues to do, to our country. Thank you, Lincoln Project!
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