Half-baked Idea.. that someone probably wrote while half-baked.
16 October 2022
I'm not really sure what to say about this movie but I feel like I need to review it because it's uniquely awful. The concept was pretty good but it ends up just falling really flat. The whole thing felt very rushed and you can tell there was no budget. While the concept is there, the story does not reflect that. It's very poorly written and there are a lot of things that are never explained. Then at the end it just.. ends.. Super abruptly and with no real finish.

The lines felt super faked and not genuine in the slightest. It was like it was people who aren't actors, doing a first time read through of the script. Also, the sound wasn't cohesive.. like it wasn't mixed or leveled properly. I'm not sure how to say it cause I don't know much about sound, but I know it was poorly done.

All the women are gorgeous but they don't really have any personality or substance. They're just catty for the sake of being catty as a weird plot point or something. I don't know how to explain it. It seems like a man trying to write women.. but hasn't actually ever spent time around women before doing so?

The special effects are really bad.

I watched it because it was said to be a horror film but there aren't really any elements of horror involved. I like sci-fi and fantasy as well, but this just wasn't it.
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