Adam & Evil (2004)
Another STRONG candidate for "Worst Film Ever Made."
31 October 2022
Less than five minutes in, and I'm already aghast at how obnoxious this is. Why was it, again, that I decided to watch 'Adam & Evil?'

Here is another instance of a movie with dialogue so absolutely atrocious (and wildly excessive no less) that it would be improved by simply muting the audio. The characters are completely boorish, aggravating, and unlikable, oversexed and empty-headed shells of people that we actively wish are killed sooner rather than later in this slasher. We're subjected to hideous overacting at every turn, but rather than blame the cast, I feel so sorry for them: I swear I can see the pain in their eyes and written all over their faces, as though they were coerced into appearing in this on threat of death. Hey, there's a great idea for a movie - actors forced to appear in awful genre flicks or suffer dire consequences. It would unquestionably be far more interesting and worthwhile than this!

There is no subtlety or tact to be found anywhere here. The scene writing is only half a step behind the dialogue and characters in terms of being horrendously excruciating to behold. The narrative is as bland, common, and pointless as slashers get. I can appreciate that maybe filmmaker Andrew Van Slee just wanted to make his own genre flick and have a good time, and I could forgive the unoriginal bluster of the plot if so - but I cannot, will not, and refuse to be so generous in recognition of how terrible the writing is in every other regard. For as preposterously juvenile as 'Adam & Evil' is - including as well the direction and cinematography - I can't help but wonder if Van Slee is locked in a state of perpetual arrested development, with all the maturity of a 10-year old.

Even the work of the hair and makeup artists is dubious. I suppose they performed their work well as the production tawdrily demanded, but where their contributions are fine and fetching for the women, all the men look like caricatures of early 2000s' "style." Editing, effects, music, and all else are total balderdash even from the opening scene. All this might theoretically be acceptable if the feature were intended as a parody of slashers - observe, for example, how the reveal of the killer introduces story ideas that we've hearing about for the very first time. Yet given that it's never funny at any point - only abhorrently overcooked - not only can 'Adam & Evil' never so much as inspire a single happy neuron to fire off, but it instead becomes an object of supreme, unswerving enmity.

However it is you come across this movie, whatever it is you think you might get out of it: even if you're a fan of someone who got roped into it (I'm so sorry, Erica Cerra), you don't need to watch this. You should, in fact, strive mightily to avoid ever accidentally watching. From start to finish, in every way, 'Adam & Evil' is hopeless, senseless rubbish, and my best guess is that Van Slee blackmailed the cast and crew into participating.

Ninety minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
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