Christmas on My Mind (2019 TV Movie)
I could never forget Zach!
6 November 2022
An Unforgettable Christmas (Christmas On My Mind) (2019) -

I liked the fact that the concept of this story was slightly different this time. There was a bit more depth to it and it managed to deliver that, whilst also maintaining that seasonal vibe.

It was frustrating that nobody would just tell Lucy (Ashley Greene), the leading lady who bumped her head and forgot everything, what had happened though.

I think Andrew W. Walker, as the leading man Zach, gets more and more handsome with every film he's been in. I couldn't believe that anyone would ever separate from him willingly and this film definitely needed at least a topless scene with him in. Maybe some skimpy swim shorts in a sauna or something equally as tasteful? A nude calendar perhaps?

Brad, played by Clayton James was a nice guy too and a cutey. His change of heart at one point seemed a little bit easy and hard to believe though and It did feel like he had a different voice dubbed over his own.

As did Morgan (Debs Howard) whose voice was less than pleasant anyway.

I'm not sure that the whole vocal track wasn't redubbed actually, because there were times when even the leads didn't sound right and that was a tad distracting.

I did feel for Poor Donna Benedicto playing Anna, she's never been the bride and has always been the sidekick in these films. It would be nice to see her in a leading role. I think that's she's earned that now.

And I wasn't sure about her romantic interest, Beau, who was obviously gay.

It was definitely not one of the bad films of this genre, but there will always be bonus points because Andrew W. Walker was in it and I did like the different tack that it took. I generally prefer new romances instead of old breakups rekindled though.

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