Inept script seals this film's fate
22 November 2022
Director Molinaro at the start of his career put out a few unmemorable thrillers and noirs, of which DES FEMMES DISPARAISSENT is an example. The film opens with a condemnation of female trafficking, but there is very little of that in the film. Instead, what you get is a not particularly bright lead (Hossein), his very pretty girlfriend (Blain) who does not do much apart from showing off her physical attributes, and two excellent villains (whose names I cannot tell from the IMDB cast list because the respective photos are missing) involved in shootouts, fisticuffs, power displays, sex, and abductions.

As indicated earlier, Hossein is not the sharpest knife, but nothing prepares you for his stupid decisions, whereby one moment he has the upper hand, next he is at his nemesis' mercy. The worst moment is when he hands the gun to Blain, tells her to shoot the villain, and he gets a stick to try to reach a gate key which the baddy had thrown away. After seeing a few of those incredibly infantile decisions, I really had to make an effort to watch the rest. I could not wait for the end, which came rather lukewarm.

Good photography contrasts with very poor, totally unrealistic, punchup sequences. The script borders on the pathetic. In real time, it is not a long film. It just seems overlong.

Not recommended.
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