A Little Christmas Charm (2020 TV Movie)
Two delightful individuals solve a mystery
26 November 2022
8.1 stars.

This movie caught me by surprise. What began as a 5.5 (being generous), finished off a steady 8.1.

I suggest you read all the good reviews, they are more accurate. I'm saving my precious time and not spending it on duplicitous comments. If I see a review that I agree with, then I will point you in that direction and move on. The idea is for us to watch the good stuff and avoid the rubbish. That said, this movie is way above average.

There is the notion that the lead actors are a bit annoying. I think he was annoying in the first 20 minutes, by design. She was also annoying as she spurns his advances, but that was also planned. The annoying traits dissipated with time.

The lead actors did not lack chemistry after 30 minutes, which is part of the plot. I suppose this is dependent on perspective, give it a chance. They have great chemistry. They are both great actors, and any lack of chemistry is BY DESIGN, and it's not perpetually negative energy, trust me. In fact, the chemistry with these two was knocked out of the ballpark fantastic. The scene where they are at her apartment just before the party provoked a palpable dreamy feeling.

Brendan Penny, he's probably a real catch, eye candy etc. I wouldn't know, however I think he is an exceptional actor, actually quite charming in a cocky sort of way. He was a real tool at the start, first class creep, and I'm glad people picked up on that. He was quite effective at shrugging off decency and good manners.

Ashley Greene is always a crowd pleaser, fits right into this genre. She is a very stirring actress. Her disarming smile, and insightful glances, as if she is peering into your soul - wonderful.

His boss at the magazine has a nice way about her as well. I think she should be in a lot more of this, hope to see her more often in other films.

The writers were grasping at straws to settle on an event to cause friction between the heroes. What a fragile premise, and I laugh with derision.

The script is thought provoking and clever. If you don't like this movie it's solely due to your disdain of the main characters. That being said, I can't imagine many people who dislike both of these actors.
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