13 December 2022
I was expecting something along the lines of Come and See DownFall or Men Behind The Sun. No, This movie is a waste of time. There's no plot. The audio quality is horrible. The acting seems wooden, and the picture quality is terrible. There's nothing here that I can scrape and say hey, this is good.

No. The basic plot is about this old guy living with his wife, that is trying to communicate with his lost son. That's the whole plot. Screw you if that's what you call a movie. This was one of the worst things I have seen this year. And I wanted to like the film! Even Engineer Red and the Green Elephant is better than this thing.

I hated this movie. The upvotes on this are a lie. I do not understand what's the hype over this. If you want to watch a better survival movie, go watch Grave of the Fireflies, When The Wind Blows, and Combat Shock. This thing was a waste of time. I'd give this thing a negative one if I can. Also, I was expecting something DISTURBING in this thing. No, the only DISTURBING thing about this thing is how pointless it is.

Give me a reason to care about any of these characters, there's none, why? Because none of them have any build-up or likeability. How am I supposed to care about characters that are flat, wooden, and without any depth?

  • There are prolonged scenes, of war that take about 20-30 minutes of the movie. Cutting that, we could have had a shorter movie, that flows a bit better.

  • Why am I supposed to care about character instantly? Wouldn't it be better to introduce me to your characters, instead of having them in a nuclear blast? Meaning, we should have had character development, to get to know/like them, and then the Nuclear Blast would mean something, just like how When The Wind Blows do it... You get to learn about your characters first before you get to the nuclear blast...

  • None of our characters have any depth, and most of them talk nonsense. This thing matches Eraserhead, as in it's just a mind-screwing movie, without any plot or reason to care.

  • Where's the shock/gore/extreme footage? There's none. There are movies that don't have that but still are disturbing in their own rights like Requiem for a Dream or Triangle, why? Because both of those movies have characters you care about, here I couldn't care less for any of the characters.

  • The picture quality and sound quality are just as bad. You got this grainy image that looks like the movie is from 1930, even those films have better picture quality. I had to pull my headphones three times, due to that irritating sound that just makes the movie even worst to watch.

  • A lot of people compare this to Come and See, that's a horrible insult to Come and See. Come and See is a movie that has likable characters, a plot, strong writing, and a lot going for it. I love Come and See, and this is incomparable to Come and See on all levels...

  • I don't know what is it, but this movie did not click with me at all. I was not engaged, I was not disturbed, I was not shocked, and I was not liking any of our characters, I was just bored to tears.
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