Harrowing account of the 2019 deadly volcano eruption
17 December 2022
As "The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari" (2022 release; 98 min) opens, we are introduced to a small community on the North Island of New Zealand. Thirty miles off the coast lies Whakaari, or "White Island", one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and a popular tourist attraction. It is "December 9, 2019" as tourists arrive on the island... At this point we are less than 10 min into the movie.

Couple of comments: this is the latest documentary from director Rory Kennedy, who just earlier this year made the excellent "Downfall: The Case Against Boeing". Here she reflects on that fateful day in December, 2019, when a group of tourists visiting Whakaari find themselves trapped when the volcano erupts. Let me admit up front that I had not heard of this tragedy before seeing this. A couple of things struck: first and foremost, the beauty of that island (someone remarks "it's like landing on the moon"), resulting in absolutely stunning photography (and immediately wanting to add this island to my "bucket list" of places to visit). But also this: there is a reason why the island is called "the most active volcano in the world", as this type of eruption apparently happens with regularity (as in: also in 2016, also in 2013, etc.). It is telling that after the 2019 eruption, the island was closed permanently to visitors, Along the way, we get lots of talking heads, including tourists who survived, first responders, etc.

"The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari" had a brief US theatrical release, and started streaming on Netflix this weekend, where I caught it. In and of itself there is nothing "revolutionary" about this disaster documentary, but watching the footage of this far flung location, literally at the end of the world, makes this worthwhile. Of course don't take my word for it, so I readily encourage you to check it out and draw your own conclusion.
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