Dark Tower (1987)
Dark Tower (1987)
28 December 2022
Dark Tower (1987)

(7/10):No relation to the novel by Stephen King,Dark Tower is instead a low budget ripoff of Poltergeist and not a good one in that department,yet in it's ineptitude I found myself for the most part enjoying it.

It's sometimes atmospheric,sometimes not and the biggest complaint I hear from people about it is it's boring,well I consider it an unofficial slow burn and it's not bad with that frame of mind.

It's conclusion is more eventful than the rest of the movie and it's even got cult actor Michael Moriarty in a somewhat less than stellar role,but I still kinda liked his performance.

The effects range from okay to kinda bad but they are still interesting enough to hold my attention.

The creature at the end looks like a rotted corpse with a skin tight face that emphasizes its skull,by skin tight I mean its just that dried out.

It's got a good enough score,nothing special but it works.

There is some nice locations when the movie decides to meander around a bit so that's at least nice.

I can't really recommend it but I do have to say that it's decent enough.
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