Well made drama despite the time it is based on
28 February 2023
(1947)Record of a Tenement Gentleman/Nagaya shinshiroku (In Japanese with English subtitles) DRAMA

Co-written and directed by Yasujiro Ozu wth neighbor Tashiro (Chishu Ryu) dumping an abandoned young boy Kohei (Hohi Aoki) onto his neighbor's front doorstep. Tashiro's neighbor is played by movie veteran actress Choko Iida, she plays senior citizen, Otane. At first, she loathes the young boy since she has some misconceptions who young boys is supposed to act like, but over time she eventually grew to accepting him. The movie is subtle at it's best as the director allows the viewers to observe it's relationship between grumpy old woman and the young child.
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