He's one of the greats of all time.
5 March 2023
Rock's early standup shows are among the best live comedy ever produced. Not only that, they are part of the evolution of standup comedy.

No artist could keep up that standard over the decades and on his last outing Tamborine, Rock seemed to have lost focus a bit (although lesser Rock shows are still better than the majority of live comedy). Now, however he's back on much firmer ground with Selective Outrage.

As brutally honest as ever, he talks about his life now from the point-of-view of being a very rich, successful comic. He doesn't play down his success or play down to his audience. He also doesn't care about the social media trend for "policing" comedy and will say what he likes. It will garner accusations that he's "bitter," "out of touch," etc and you just know he couldn't care less about that either.

It's great to see him back. In these censorious times we need honest, brilliant artists like Chris Rock more than ever.
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