George Sanders in a romance!
17 March 2023
The start of Rage in Heaven feels like you're watching High Anxiety or After the Fox. It's a stormy night and doctors with thick accents are discussing a particularly difficult patient at a mental asylum (or is an institution for the very, very nervous?), when all of a sudden, said patient has stolen clothes and escaped! But before you start laughing, this movie is a drama.

George Sanders and his pal Robert Montgomery visit Bob's wealthy mother, Lucile Watson, after reuniting from a years-long absence. They meet the enchanting Ingrid Bergman, Lucile's companion, and both fall for her. Which will she pick? The sincere, romantic, stable George, or the insecure Bob who makes it clear he really needs her? After she makes her choice, the story continues with lots up downs and a few ups. It's hardly a picnic for Ingrid as she learns that the man she thought was wonderful actually has lots of demons.

Since both actors had played convincing villains in their careers, I won't tell you which one she picks or which one turns out to be the bad guy. I will say that if you're a George Sanders fan, you won't want to miss this movie. The romantic scenes in this movie are once-in-a-career for him. I loved seeing him as such a different character, and I wonder how his career would have gone if Hollywood had given him more romantic parts. All in all, this isn't the greatest old movie out there, but if you've already seen all Ingrid's famous flicks or you like a little danger in your drama, you can check it out. Don't get too attached to the kitten, though; it doesn't show anything, but its fate is telegraphed way in advanced (so this isn't a spoiler).
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