CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Bull (2008)
Season 8, Episode 11
A Comedy of Errors
23 March 2023
During the Las Vegas' annual bull riding rodeo, two murders are investigated by the CSIs. The famous cowboy Cody Latshaw is found dead in the arena, and Grissom processes the site, including the bull Wintwister. In the autopsy, Doc Robbins sees his X-Rays and notes that his body had many fractures with plates and screws and he had a complete fracture of his C1 vertebrae that killed him. Meanwhile, Nick and Greg investigate a hit-and-run case. The victim is Tiffany Rigdon and Nick sees radiator fluid on the street. Following the path, they reach a truck owned by Cody. Soon they find that Cody and Tiffany were together in the same hotel room and they believe Cody killed her. But when a witness testifies the hit-and-run, the CSIs realize that Cody was killed one hour before Tiffany and the mystery increases.

"Bull" is an episode of "CSI" with a comedy of errors. The initial line of investigation of the CSIs is wrong for both murders and the motives are unintentional. Even the poem is not for whom they think it was. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Bull"
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