Baptiste (2019–2021)
Excellent Mystery
24 March 2023
The negative reviews are quite interesting. I often wonder when people write bad reviews how old they are, what country they live in, and their worldliness...also political leanings.

Enough of that. First episode, I questioned whether I would be interested in Baptiste. It seemed slow and Baptiste outdated as far as law enforcement procedures was concerned. I was wrong! Baptiste is brilliantly done and the topic of Season One is something we all should pay attention to. Seems the judicial system spends too much time persecuting wealthy heavy hitters that are notable who offended a few women #MeTo generation rather than underground traffickers. Agree the wealthy heavy hitters behavior isn't acceptable, but what about the millions of poor young women who are truly victims of sex trafficking worldwide? That's what Season One was all about. I'm appalled at the people who don't seem to "get it," but probably enjoyed reading about the Bill Cosbys and Weinsteins of the world .. or Epstein & his gang of merry wealthy men. Huge difference.
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