Heartbreaking Episode with Lives Destroyed
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When a baby girl is found dead in a wrapped in a blanked inside a cardboard box in a parking lot, the CSIs investigate the case. Soon there is a great commotion about the case, and Warrick and Nick install a survey camera hidden in a bunch of flowers at the shrine of "Baby Cordelia" to see the people that is honoring the toddler. Grissom finds a bar code inside the box, and the CSIs find that the box was shipped to a Nora O'Toole with a vacuum cleaner. Brass and Catherine visits Nora and she tells them that her fiancé Dean James discarded the box in the trash. When Catherine learns that Dean James is indeed the registered Leo Finley that lied to Brass and she, he becomes her prime suspect despite his explanations and Grissom warnings that there are other evidences to be followed. But the investigation continues to a tragic conclusion.

"A Thousand Days on Earth" is a heartbreaking episode with lives destroyed in the end. The poor father of the "Baby Cordelia" because of his unfortunate decision knowing how the American system works, and the arrogant Catherine Willows, with her hasty deduction despite Grissom's warning, destroying an innocent man's life. The mission of a CSI investigator is to check the evidences, and not judge the case. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil); "A Thousand Days on Earth"
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