1 April 2023
Lesson Learned: Never second guess my instincts.

When this movie came out in 1992 something told me to not bother, so I didn't. Nowadays there is nothing but pablum out there, so when this title popped up in Amazon Prime with its 8.0 IMDB rating after scrolling for 30 minutes through all the junk, I thought, "Well, I guess now is the time to see this, 31 years later."

I really wish I hadn't expected a good movie. I kept waiting for something to happen, but it never did. This film is truly lifeless. There is absolutely no feeling in it. And the scene at the end was just pathetic. I felt embarrassed for the filmmakers and everyone who acted in it. If there had been logic in the speech but no feeling, that would have been better, but there was neither.
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