Circle Line (2023)
Creature feature fully devoid of a storyline...
7 April 2023
I happened to stumble upon the 2023 Singaporean movie "Circle Line" by random chance. Needless to say that with it being an Asian movie I hadn't already seen, then of course I had to sit down and watch it. And I have to admit that I was initially drawn in by the movie's cover.

Writers Tang Chi Sim, J. D. Chua, Siew Pek Chye, Juan Foo, Allan Ho and Andrew Chiang Meng Ngin put together a watchable movie, I will say that much. Now hold on, while "Circle Line" certainly was watchable, it was an incredibly weak and laughable storyline that the six writers had mustered to conjure up. However, I am amazed how six writers could collectively manage to come up with something so weak of script and storyline.

There were so many plot holes that even Swiss cheese would go "you got to be kidding me!" How could a creature manage to live hidden underground for 20 years? What was it feasting upon all those years? Why were the unlit subway tunnels so miraculously bright when they should have been pitch black? And that leads us to the main problem with "Circle Line"; the absolute lack of a point to the storyline. Yeah, I kid you not, the storyline had no focal point, and it just simply made no sense.

I was not familiar with the cast ensemble in "Circle Line". But then again, I am not well-traversed within the Singaporean cinema. I will say, however, that the acting performances in the movie were fair enough, taking into consideration that the cast virtually had nothing to work with.

"Circle Line" is the type of movie that invites you to fully shut off all brain activity and just lean back in your seat whilst munching on your selected choice of snacks.

Visually then I will say that "Circle Line" was good. The creature design was good and it looked realistic. Sure, it made no sense how it would have managed to survive for 20 years without any food source, but hey, this is a movie, after all.

While I managed to sit through all 80 minutes of what director J. D. Chua delivered here, I was only mildly entertained. And believe you me when I say that this movie most certainly does not encourage a second viewing, especially since there wasn't really enough contents to the storyline to support the first viewing.

What keep "Circle Line" afloat is the special effects, pure and simple.

In all honesty, then I have to say that I found "Circle Line" to be really, really disappointing. And if you enjoy a good creature feature, then there are far better choices readily available out there. Especially since "Circle Line" had no storyline and only managed to remain watchable because of the CGI.

My rating of "Circle Line" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars. The story warrants a single star only, but the special effects in the movie generously nudges it up to a three star rating.
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