Edgar Wallace Sort Of Story
10 April 2023
A mysterious criminal mastermind has everyone in London in an uproar. Policeman Esmond Knight goes undercover as a crook to infiltrate the organization.

It's an Edgar Wallace sort of movie, with a villain so mad he plays chess and giggles at his own cleverness, with a nice cast, including Lilli Palmer and Cecil Parker. It's also pretty much impossible to figure out until you are told the ending. Still, it's well directed by Ralph Ince, who took his duties as Warner Brothers' Teddington studio seriously. They might be there to produce quota quickies, but there's no rule against doig a good job; and he signed Erroll Flynn to a contract and gave him his first substantial role (in a movie now lost).

Ince was the youngest of the three Ince Brothers; Thomas was the best remembered, as it was he who figured out how to produce movies on pretty much an assembly line. Ralph who an actor and director. His presence in England allowed him to direct three or four movies a year. He died in 1937 at the age of 50.
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