The Writers Came Through
11 April 2023
Just two episodes back (The Elysian Kingdom), I wrote a very negative review, specifically dumping on the Writers. Don't misunderstand, I do not recant a single word of that critique. Today, I will use this opportunity to express how really pleased I am with this Writing Team! This is truly an outstanding season finale.

Yes, there were several "goofs" noted. I actually enjoy reading the "trivia" and "goofs". Personally, I own on DVD every Star Trek episode and movie that has been released to date.. But I am a "Fan", not a "Trekkie". I know that there are Trekkies out there that can probably quote every significant dialogue and describe every major scene ever produced. These dedicated folks are most likely the source of most of the goofs described. I, like most of the viewers, would never even notice a discrepancy had I not read it here.

So, with all of that said, I am very impressed with the amount of research that the Writing Team did to tie this episode to TOS Balance of Terror plus references to other episodes and movies. I think that they did a marvelous job at remaining faithful to the original material.

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