Wuthering Heights (2003 TV Movie)
Believe the bad reviews
23 April 2023
Trust me.... It's that bad. The music...Ya it's bad also....not as bad as the dialog....it couldn't be. Please do not get this confused with any of the other 4 or so Wuthering Heights movies. This one should not even be allowed to carry the same title. I had to start writing this review so as to keep from watching the final 30 minutes as the Mrs. Does not have it in her to turn it off. Seeing the name of an accomplished actress in this movie caused me to TIVO it. I mean accomplished actor/actresses would not allow themselves to be part of garbage like this right? Lesson learned, although it was early in her career. I will say this, it could have been marketed as a comedy as some of the dialog was so painfully sad it evoked 4 or 5 laughs through the too long runtime. The only positive I got out of the movie was seeing Malcolm's brother Frances finally out of military school.
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