Funny and quirky
28 April 2023
Jack Lemmon, an American, has newly arrived in England for business, and he rents a room in Kim Novak's house. When she's first introduced, she has a Cockney accent and tells him she's the maid of the house. Turns out, she's also American, and she owns the house-what else is she hiding? Jack's boss, Fred Astaire, and Lionel Jeffries at Scotland Yard believe Kim's hiding an awful lot, and they enlist Jack to help in their investigation. But when you're dating your landlady, do you really want to help put her in jail?

In their third onscreen pairing, Kim Novak and Jack Lemmon are dynamite in The Notorious Landlady! Jack is hilarious and charming in this classic 60s comedy, and while she isn't given much to do, Kim is as beautiful and alluring as her character requires. Fred, in a non-musical role, is very funny as well. If you're a fan of any of these three, this movie's a must-see! I'd praise the timing and chemistry as the elements that shine the brightest in this film, but the story is really interesting, too. This is a great flick to watch with your friends or your sweetie pie, or by yourself when you've had a stressful week and want some easy laughs. It's very funny, from the first scene to the last. Naturally, my favorite scenes are with Fred. Everything out of his mouth is hilarious!
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