Disappointing but glad I saw it.
1 May 2023
The first Avatar movie was something special. Not the plot as it's been done before. There was a reason it was called "Dancing with Smurfs" by critics but the story came second to the visuals. And those visuals were stunning. Absolutely stunning. Seeing it on the wide screen, in IMAX 3D no less, and it was nothing short of a spectacle. I walked out of that theater just saying "wow". I told people to go see it for the visuals alone. And when I heard they were not only making a sequel but there were three more on the way then I was definitely going to see it.

And... I'm underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong. The beautiful scenes and world building is there. It's just the story kinda drags and it suffers from a lot of what the original story suffered from. A lack of real story.

In the first one it was the humans come to Pandora to search for Unobtanium, a mineral that is worth billions back home. The Na'vi who are the giant blue bipeds fight back, Jake Sully is the chosen one who winds up joining them and becomes one in the end.

This one? It's the same thing. It's literally the same story but with a different coat of paint.

Again the vistas and underwater scenes are amazing. Everybody was free-diving for it. So when you see them swimming around, that's the actors swimming in the big pool set while holding their breath.

Pandora looks even more beautiful than it did in the first movie but it lacked some of the impact it originally had.

And while this one has already broken the $2 billion mark making it another movie by James Cameron that has done so, the third one will need to bring something special to top the amazement we got on seeing the first one.
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