An enjoyable send off
6 May 2023
Guardians of the Galaxy is on of a best trilogy from Marvel and its third installment is last direction from James Gunn for Marvel . I'm a big fan of James Gunn style of making , he is one of the few directors who can pull off fun and emotion simultaneously . Movie had good balance between action , comedy , emotion and drama , maintaining focus on the character and thier relationships . Plot prime focuses on Rocket Raccoon's origin , his flashback portions were totally heart breaking . Once again cast delivered a good performance . Action sequence were well choreographed and captured , especially climax sequence were literally great . Humor worked very well , especially Drax and Mantis combo were hilarious . Technically perfect , impressive camera works with topnotch VFXs delivers a bright and colorful stunning Visuals . Glad that Marvel rectified their VFXs issues . Good Bg score and pre 2k English songs were well placed in the movies .

Overall , hilariously and emotionally a good farewell to the trilogy . One of the best Marvel movie in recent times . Not only for Marvel fans , even general audience gonna like it . Highly recommended .
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