Behind The Cameras and Lights
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am a UFC fan now, and have been for the past year or so. McGregor's stardom was before my time with the UFC, but of course everyone knows the Notorious. It was an absolute treat to be able to see Connor as intimately as we do in this series. It reinforces the fact that fighting and other sports for that matter are show business, and these people are not at all like that off stage. I truly enjoyed watching connor spend time with his family and getting a glimpse into the man he is. A lot of his interviews and monologues stuck with me - not the UFC interviews but rather the quiet, sincere ones he gives after a loss or when hes at his home. I resonated with a lot of the things he said regarding you vs you mentality and how he keeps out of mental rutts. He is mature, self aware, wise and seems like a generally great guy at the core.

The footage these guys got of connor's day to day and bts is unmatched, I wonder if connor runs with a camera crew 5 days a week. It felt like a biopic or movie when it comes to the footage rather than a home video/ doc. Unbelievable coverage. The sound scape they built sticks out to me - the right music for the right sequence, the use of risers, hits, eerie sounds, surreals to emphasize punches - the sound scape would constantly be adjusting, shifting and subtly complementing the visuals.

A complaint I have would be the repetition from episode to episode and just as a whole. It was pretty much the same formula where theres a big fight, it follows his training and family life, mindset, injury or setback, etc. This formula is repeated throughout and although I personally didn't mind - its a fair point of criticism.

Overall, this is a must watch for any UFC watchers, Connor fans, or anyone looking to be a fan of either by the end. I grew an immense respect for the guy through this extremely well shot and edited docu series.
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